It can be too easy to give up on your relationship. I think that is what happens these days, and as a result a lot of gents end up on their own. It is better to see a relationship counsellor, but many people do find that difficult at the same time. You may end up talking to a perfect stranger, and gents do find that unnerving. However, at the same time it is important to appreciate that an independent person can help you.
I would say that the majority of the gents that I date at London escorts these days have been divorced at least once. Some of them have lost all of their confidence, and it is hard to try to help to get them back on their feet. Getting a divorce for a second time cannot be easy at all, and I am not sure how I would imagine. Do gents date us to have fun? No, a lot of gents do date London escorts to have some companionship in their lives. It is actually pretty sad, but I am not sure what I would do if I find myself in the same situation.
Of course, most of the escorts in London who date these gents are young, and do not really have the right kind of experience. You need to be pretty strong to handle these guys and even to give them a push in the right direction. As a mature London escort, I think it is a lot easier for me to do so. However, I have noticed that they seem to enjoy the company of young London escorts. It is a little bit like they are trying to recapture their youth, but that is not going to happen.
What can you do when you meet a gent who has been through a relationship crisis? I have been with escorts in London since I was 20 years old, and I am now 34 years old. Many of these gents really do need to see a doctor in the first instance. I recommend them to see if they can meet a private doctor. It is better, the NHS is bogged down by so many other problems that I don’t think NHS doctors really have the time. I have noticed that some of the gents I date at London escorts certainly suffer from depression and they urgently need. Medication is not a long term solution but it can certainly help.
I keep on wondering if it is tempting for these gents to carry on dating London escorts. They are not really ready for new relationship and I am not so sure that they are keen to commit themselves to a relationship again. Quite often they see young London escorts as girlfriends, and I think they have this habit of living in fantasy land a little bit. It is not easy for young escorts to understand what is going. I tell them to deal with their problems. In order to do so, they have to be prepared to help themselves.
That is the most difficult part and I think that a lot of gents are having a hard time understanding that.