I love dating escorts where ever I travel to, but I have recently discovered that East London escorts from https://charlotteaction.org/east-london-escorts are the best. Honestly, I am going to stop spending my money on other escorts services and only stick to East London escorts in the future.
There is something very special about East London escorts. They seem to be friendlier and more natural at what they do. None of the girls put in too much make-up or silly stuff like false eye-lashes. Fake escorts, or girls that look artificial, certainly are not my cup of tea, and this is why I am so drawn to East London girls.
There are naturally other reasons why I am drawn to these girls as well. My mom was an East London girl, and born within the sound of Bow Bells. She was a true Cockney and even used to speak to me using Cockney rhyming slang. Up until this day I can remember certain quint expressions such as Apple and Pears which actually means stairs, and the girls do use a bit of old Cockney rhyming slang when they speak. It makes me chuckle and bring backs a lot of happy memories,
Sexy Girls
I also find all the girls that work in East London dropped dead sexy. They do not only know how to dress like porn stars but it is the way they do it. Despite not being able to afford some of the fanciest clothes, they have found their own style and manged to pull it off.
High stilettos are matched with short skirts, and skimpy tops make me think about East London barmaids. There is certainly a lot of East London sentiment still alive and kicking is this part of London today.
They are happy without having to put it on. To me, it seems like they smile from dawn to dusk and have a very chirpy attitude no matter what comes their way. Unlike their central London colleagues, they seem to be able to hold a conversation on many topics, and that includes the latest football results. What else can a man wish for – a sexy companion and a girl who knows her football. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
It beats me why more guys don’t date East London girls. As soon as guys have made a bit of money, they seem to drift to try escorts in other parts of London. I am sure the girls are great but they are probably three times more for the pleasure, and I just don’t understand why they would want to do that.
Learn to appreciate home grown talent before you try new pastures, I say. Personally, I will never date any other escorts, and I will not hear a bad word said about East London girls, and I will personally stand up for my favorite girls. Next time you visit London, you should try to squeeze in a couple of dates with the girls in this part of town. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.