When I left Bond Street escorts, I never thought that I would end up staying single. However, I soon learned that there was an upside to staying single. As a young girl, I never thought that I would have even contemplated staying single, but as you get older, I guess that you learn that there is something positive about living on your own terms, and doing what you want in life. Marriage may not be for everybody at the end of the day.
What are the best things about being single? One of the best things about being single, is that you don’t end up looking after anyone else. When I worked for Bond Street escorts of https://charlotteaction.org/bond-street-escorts, I always felt that I spent a great deal of time looking after someone else. As soon as I left the escort agency in Bond Street, I felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders and that I was free. It was during this period I thought about staying single, but was not really sure.
I took a couple of months off from life as soon as I had left Bond Street escorts. For years I had been promising myself that I should really go out there and see the world, and that is exactly what I did when I left the escort agency. I rented out my flat, and started to travel around the world in different ways. It was good to spend time on my own, and found out how I felt about things. What did I actually want to do with the rest of my life? It was something that I was able to figure out when I was away from London.
My first year away from Bond Street escorts was a little bit like taking what I call a “breather”. As soon as I got back to London, life started to become more hectic again and I felt that I was about to lose control. Not wanting to do that, I got myself a little job in London. It honestly felt that I needed that nine to five lifestyle to keep me on the straight and narrow. Since then I have stuck to my little job in London and I love every minute of it. When I come home, my time is mine and I don’t have to worry about dashing out on a sudden outcall for Bond Street escorts.
This is why I think that so many girls decide that they like to stay single. They love the independence it gives them. You come home from work and you can do pretty much what you would like to do. I am surprised that I have liked it as much as I have, but I don’t think that I would change it now. It would have to be a very special guy to change the way that I feel about love. I am not saying that I don’t want to be in love, but I would like to be in control. That would not be easy, so I think until I am ready for it, I am going to be a single lady and just enjoy my life and see what it brings me.